Monday, October 13, 2008

Painting A Day

"Tomato" 8"x11" October 12, 2008

"Plums" 8"x11" October 11, 2008

"Brooke" October 11, 2008
One of my drawings from figure drawing this Saturday.

"Cacti" 8"x11" October 10, 2008

"Tennis Balls" 8"x11" October 9, 2008

"Apples" 8"x11" October 8, 2008

I finished and turned in my grad school application this past week!! YEA!!! I am now on to my new challenge of painting more often. So far I have painted one a day!! (It hasn't been a full week yet, but I'm working on it!) I tried painting polkadots this week. It's amazing to see the reflections in the objects. I would have posted the paintings more often but I was having a bit of technical difficulty with getting the images on the computer and trying to get good pictures. It seems like on the overcast days there is a bit of a glare on the paintings - and then what do you do to take pictures on the rainy days? Any ideas?

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