Monday, September 8, 2008

School's Out Early!!

"Bay Street, Morehead City"
(one of the paintings from the future collection "Our Side of Arendell" or should it "The Other side of Arendell"?)

"Calico Creek"

I got out of school early on Friday and before I taught my Body Flow class at the gym - (did I mention I'm teaching a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates at Gold's Gym now?) I rushed home to set up my paints! I still had some energy from not having to teach the 4th and 5th graders today, so I came home and got things set up before my class at the gym. I was able to set aside some time to paint Friday, Saturday and Sunday - which was great! Here are two of the paintings I worked on some this weekend. I'm trying to get some paintings ready for a portfolio for grad school and here are 2 of the 20!!

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